An Awesome Review, Vermin On The Mount, and a Portuguese Translation!

An insanely flattering review of "NOFX: The Hepatitis Bathtub and Other stories" by fellow rock memoir author Jim Ruland ended up landing me a spot in the lineup of his long-running reading series, Vermin On The Mount.

I'll be reading selections from "The Hepatitis Bathtub" at the 12th anniversary edition of Vermin on the Mount on Saturday, August 20th at 7pm at 3RDSPACE in San Diego.

Other authors include Lisa Brackmann, David Fromm, Rebecca Gonzales, Shelby Gubba, Shawna Kenney, and Scot Sothern. (Admission is free!)

Meanwhile, "The Hepatitis Bathtub" is being translated into several different languages...the first one that has become available is a Portuguese translation, available from

(More translations and an audio book coming soon!)